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Global Clinical Trials by Phase and Condition

Batya Feldman, Clinical.Site

Global Clinical Trials by Phase and Condition

The global clinical trials market is growing rapidly. According to Precedence Research, in 2022, the market was valued at $48.7 billion and is estimated to soar to $83.6 billion by 2032 with a registered compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% in the forecast period (2023 to 2032).

The study shows that oncology (cancer diagnosis and treatment) held a market share of approximately 27% in 2022. Research into cardiovascular conditions is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% over the forecast period.

Clinical Trials Market Size, 2022-2032

Source: Precedence Research

The World Health Organization’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) lists worldwide clinical trials by year, location, condition, phase of development, age, sex, and number of participants from 1999–2021.

Clinical Trials by Phase

ICTRP distribution of global clinical trials by phase.

Source: ICTRP Clinical Trials by Phase

Clinical Trials by Health Category

According to the ICTRP, Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) capture 81% of total clinical trials. NCDs include heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes. Deaths from NCDs exceed all communicable disease deaths combined.

Source: ICTRP Clinical Trials by Health Category

Top 20 Clinical Trials by Condition

ICTRP distribution of global clinical trials by condition (top 20)

Source: ICTRP Clinical Trials by Condition